Expanding AHRI's Annual Conference into an Immersive Experience

Expanding AHRI's Annual Conference into an Immersive Experience

JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort and Spa in Miami, FL
November 12-14, 2023


The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has a long-standing relationship with Bartha, trusting us to handle the logistics for their annual conference year after year. However, for the upcoming event, AHRI’s vision had evolved. They desired a more impactful experience than simply well-managed logistics. They aimed to create a fully immersive, branded event that would truly engage and inspire their 500+ attendees.


KEY CHALLENGEExpanding our service scope

Moving from pure logistics to crafting a comprehensive, immersive experience demanded additional expertise in event design, branding, and attendee engagement.

KEY CHALLENGEMeeting elevated engagement goals

Transforming the conference from a logistical feat to a truly engaging event meant creating a memorable and interactive experience for a large audience.

KEY CHALLENGEBuilding upon a strong relationship

AHRI trusted our logistical capabilities, but exceeding expectations required us to demonstrate our ability to adapt and expand our services in line with their evolving needs.



Working with AHRI, we crafted a custom, multi-faceted solution to reinforce the brand and engage attendees:

Venue Branding

Our design team created eye-catching graphics for every touchpoint that reflected the host city’s unique character, fostering a sense of “place” for attendees.

Immersive Environment

Bartha’s dynamic stage design—with flanking diamond-shaped LED panels and projections— created an exciting energy while subtly reinforcing the AHRI brand.

Streamlined Communication

Bartha ensured smooth communication with a dedicated point of contact, fostering trust and collaboration with AHRI—efficiently and effectively.


The transformed conference was a resounding success. The immersive experience created a buzz among attendees, enabling deeper engagement with the AHRI brand.

The stage is set, awaiting the audience
Color & logo variations
On-stage discussion
Fully-branded welcome desks and registration
Applauding from the podium
Venue look signage
Behind the scenes, control over the many LED screen walls
Location-specific branding
Branded badges and lanyards
Audience immersed in the AHRI presentation
Behind the scenes programming
Camera getting a close-up

Enhanced Brand Perception

The cohesive brand experience, evident through the consistent branding across all touchpoints, strengthened AHRI’s brand image in attendees’ eyes. The unique and memorable event experience positioned AHRI as an innovative and forward-thinking leader in their industry.


Client Recognition

AHRI’s Vice President of Public Affairs thanked Bartha from the podium, highlighting our contribution to the event’s success. Every Bartha team member received direct praise from the client, a testament to their dedication and professionalism.


Loyal Client

The client team continues to be impressed with Bartha’s commitment and flexibility. Our streamlined and open communication about every aspect of the event has strengthened the relationship, allowing it to evolve beyond basic logistics.

Bartha’s approach to AHRI’s conference showcases our partnership philosophy:
exceed expectations by going beyond execution and becoming invested strategic partners.

Expanding AHRI’s Annual Conference into an Immersive Experience

JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort and Spa
Miami, FL